Mandala Assessment Research Instrument


MARI (Mandala Assessment Research Instrument) is a powerful tool using colour and symbols to make the preconscious visible. It is a unique, visual and creative tool used in combination with various therapies (psychotherapy, music and art therapy and occupational therapy).




The MARI system accesses information from our psyche, in a playful, non-threatening way.


It allows us to experience transformation and new insights about ourselves and our life situations.


 It is:


  • based on a Jungian system of symbols and colours, developed and researched by art therapist Joan Kellog in the 1970’s.
  • used to assess a client’s current psychological state and gives a visual representation of the psyche.
  • used to access material from the unconscious mind using symbols and colours thereby adding richness to the therapeutic dialogue.
  • a process, using both left and right brain-thinking, with the client as the guide in leading the discovery.
  • a diagnostic as well as a therapeutic tool bringing clarity to the issue at hand. Once you see the psyche in this new way, you can understand and affect change.